accounting.utils package


accounting.utils.cast module

The utilities to cast values into desired types, to avoid IDE warnings.

This module should not import any other module from the application.

accounting.utils.cast.s(message: Any) str

Casts the LazyString message to the string type.


message – The message.


The binary expression itself.

accounting.utils.current_account module

The current assets and liabilities account.

class accounting.utils.current_account.CurrentAccount(account: Account | None = None)

Bases: object

A current assets and liabilities account.

CURRENT_AL_CODE: str = '0000-000'

The account code for all current assets and liabilities.

account: Account | None

The actual account.

classmethod accounts() list[Self]

Returns the current assets and liabilities accounts.


The current assets and liabilities accounts.

code: str

The code.

classmethod current_assets_and_liabilities() Self

Returns the pseudo account for all current assets and liabilities.


The pseudo account for all current assets and liabilities.

id: int

The ID.

classmethod sql_condition() BinaryExpression

Returns the SQL condition for the current assets and liabilities accounts.


The SQL condition for the current assets and liabilities accounts.

str: str

The string representation of the account.

title: str

The title.

accounting.utils.flash_errors module

The utility to flash all errors from the forms.

This module should not import any other module from the application.

accounting.utils.flash_errors.flash_form_errors(form: FlaskForm) None

Flash all errors from a form recursively.


form – The form.



accounting.utils.journal_entry_types module

The journal entry types.

class accounting.utils.journal_entry_types.JournalEntryType(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

Bases: Enum

The journal entry types.

CASH_DISBURSEMENT: str = 'disbursement'

The cash disbursement journal entry.

CASH_RECEIPT: str = 'receipt'

The cash receipt journal entry.

TRANSFER: str = 'transfer'

The transfer journal entry.

accounting.utils.next_uri module

The utilities to handle the next URI.

This module should not import any other module from the application.

accounting.utils.next_uri.append_next(uri: str) str

Appends the current URI as the next URI to the query argument.


uri – The URI.


The URI with the current URI appended as the next URI.

accounting.utils.next_uri.decode_next(uri: str) str

Decodes the encoded next URI.


uri – The encoded next URI.


The next URI.

accounting.utils.next_uri.encode_next(uri: str) str

Encodes the next URI.


uri – The next URI.


The encoded next URI.

accounting.utils.next_uri.inherit_next(uri: str) str

Inherits the current next URI to the query argument, if exists.


uri – The URI.


The URI with the current next URI added at the query argument.

accounting.utils.next_uri.init_app(bp: Blueprint) None

Initializes the application.


bp – The blueprint of the accounting application.



accounting.utils.next_uri.or_next(uri: str) str

Returns the next URI, if exists, or the supplied URI.


uri – The URI.


The next URI or the supplied URI.

accounting.utils.offset_alias module

The SQLAlchemy alias for the offset items.

accounting.utils.offset_alias.offset_alias() Alias

Returns the SQLAlchemy alias for the offset items.


The SQLAlchemy alias for the offset items.

accounting.utils.options module

The getter and setter for the option management.

class accounting.utils.options.Options

Bases: object

The options.

commit() None

Commits the options to the database.



property default_currency: Currency

Returns the default currency.


The default currency.

property default_currency_code: str

Returns the default currency code.


The default currency code.

property default_ie_account: CurrentAccount

Returns the default account for the income and expenses log.


The default account for the income and expenses log.

property default_ie_account_code: str

Returns the default account code for the income and expenses log.


The default account code for the income and expenses log.

is_modified: bool

Whether the options were modified.

property recurring: Recurring

Returns the recurring expenses and incomes.


The recurring expenses and incomes.

property recurring_data: dict[str, list[tuple[str, str, str]]]

Returns the data of the recurring expenses and incomes.


The data of the recurring expenses and incomes.

class accounting.utils.options.Recurring(data: dict[str, list[tuple[str, str, str]]])

Bases: object

The recurring expenses or incomes.

property codes: set[str]

Returns all the account codes.


All the account codes.

expenses: list[RecurringItem]

The recurring expenses.

incomes: list[RecurringItem]

The recurring incomes.

class accounting.utils.options.RecurringItem(name: str, account_code: str, description_template: str)

Bases: object

A recurring item.

account_code: str

The account code.

property account_text: str

Returns the account text.


The account text.

description_template: str

The description template.

name: str

The name.

accounting.utils.options.options: Options = <accounting.utils.options.Options object>

The options.

accounting.utils.pagination module

The pagination utilities.

This module should not import any other module from the application.

class accounting.utils.pagination.AbstractPagination

Bases: Generic[T]

An abstract pagination.

is_paged: bool

Whether there should be pagination.

list: list[T]

The items shown in the list

page_size: int

The number of items in a page.

page_size_options: list[Link]

The options to the number of items in a page.

pages: list[Link]

The pages.

accounting.utils.pagination.DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE: int = 10

The default page size.

class accounting.utils.pagination.EmptyPagination

Bases: AbstractPagination[T]

The pagination from empty data.

Bases: object

A link.

is_current: bool

Whether the link is the current page.

is_for_mobile: bool

Whether the link should be shown on mobile screens.

text: str

The link text

uri: str | None

The link URI, or None if there is no link.

class accounting.utils.pagination.NonEmptyPagination(items: list[T], is_reversed: bool = False)

Bases: AbstractPagination[T]

The pagination with real data.

PAGE_SIZE_OPTION_VALUES: list[int] = [10, 100, 200]

The page size options.

class accounting.utils.pagination.Pagination(items: list[T], is_reversed: bool = False)

Bases: Generic[T]

The pagination utility.

is_paged: bool

Whether there should be pagination.

list: list[T]

The items shown in the list

page_size: int

The number of items in a page.

page_size_options: list[Link]

The options to the number of items in a page.

pages: list[Link]

The pages.

exception accounting.utils.pagination.Redirection(new_url: str)

Bases: RequestRedirect

The redirection.

code: int | None = 302

The HTTP code.

class accounting.utils.pagination.T

The pagination item type.

alias of TypeVar(‘T’)

accounting.utils.permission module

The permissions.

This module should not import any other module from the application.

accounting.utils.permission.can_admin() bool

Returns whether the current user can administrate the accounting settings.

The user has to log in.


True if the current user can administrate the accounting settings, or False otherwise.

accounting.utils.permission.can_edit() bool

Returns whether the current user can edit the accounting data.

The user has to log in.


True if the current user can edit the accounting data, or False otherwise.

accounting.utils.permission.can_view() bool

Returns whether the current user can view the accounting data.


True if the current user can view the accounting data, or False otherwise.

accounting.utils.permission.has_permission(rule: Callable[[], bool]) Callable

The permission decorator to check whether the current user is allowed.


rule – The permission rule.


The view decorator.

accounting.utils.permission.init_app(bp: Blueprint, user_utils: UserUtilityInterface) None

Initializes the application.

  • bp – The blueprint of the accounting application.

  • user_utils – The user utilities.



accounting.utils.query module

The query keyword parser.

This module should not import any other module from the application.

accounting.utils.query.parse_query_keywords(q: str | None) list[str]

Returns the query keywords by the query parameter.


q – The query parameter.


The query keywords.

accounting.utils.random_id module

The random ID utility for the data models.

This module should not import any other module from the application.

accounting.utils.random_id.new_id(cls: Type[Model])

Generates and returns a new, unused random ID for the data model.


cls – The data model.


The newly-generated, unused random ID.

accounting.utils.strip_text module

The text stripper for the form fields.

This module should not import any other module from the application.

accounting.utils.strip_text.strip_multiline_text(s: str | None) str | None

The filter to strip a piece of multi-line text.


s – The text input string.


The filtered string.

accounting.utils.strip_text.strip_text(s: str | None) str | None

The filter to strip the leading and trailing white spaces of text.


s – The text input string.


The filtered string.

accounting.utils.title_case module

The title case capitalization for the base account titles. This follows the APA style title case capitalization. See .

This module should not import any other module from the application.

accounting.utils.title_case.ARTICLES: set[str] = {'a', 'an', 'the'}


accounting.utils.title_case.CONJUNCTIONS: set[str] = {'and', 'as', 'but', 'for', 'if', 'nor', 'or', 'so', 'yet'}

Short conjunctions.

accounting.utils.title_case.MINOR_WORDS: set[str] = {'a', 'an', 'and', 'as', 'at', 'but', 'for', 'if', 'in', 'nor', 'of', 'on', 'or', 'per', 'so', 'the', 'to', 'up', 'via', 'yet'}

Minor words that should be in lowercase.

accounting.utils.title_case.PREPOSITIONS: set[str] = {'as', 'at', 'by', 'for', 'in', 'of', 'on', 'per', 'to', 'up', 'via'}

Short prepositions.

accounting.utils.title_case.title_case(s: str) str

Capitalize a title string for the base account titles. Do not use it in other places. This excludes “by” as in “1223 by-products”.


s – The title string.


The capitalized title string.

accounting.utils.user module

The user utilities.

This module should not import any other module from the application.

class accounting.utils.user.T

The user data model data type.

alias of TypeVar(‘T’, bound=Model)

class accounting.utils.user.UserUtilityInterface

Bases: Generic[T], ABC

The interface for the user utilities.

abstract can_admin() bool

Returns whether the currently logged-in user can administrate the accounting settings.


True if the currently logged-in user can administrate the accounting settings, or False otherwise.

abstract can_edit() bool

Returns whether the currently logged-in user can edit the accounting data.


True if the currently logged-in user can edit the accounting data, or False otherwise.

abstract can_view() bool

Returns whether the currently logged-in user can view the accounting data.


True if the currently logged-in user can view the accounting data, or False otherwise.

abstract property cls: Type[T]

Returns the class of the user data model.


The class of the user data model.

abstract property current_user: T | None

Returns the currently logged-in user.


The currently logged-in user, or None if the user has not logged in

abstract get_by_username(username: str) T | None

Returns the user by her username.


The user by her username, or None if the user was not found.

abstract get_pk(user: T) int

Returns the primary key of the user, as an integer.


The primary key of the user, as an integer.

abstract property pk_column: Column

Returns the primary key column.


The primary key column.

abstract unauthorized() Response | None

Returns the response to require the user to log in.

This may be a redirection to the login page, or an HTTP 401 Unauthorized response for HTTP Authentication. If this returns None, an HTTP 403 Forbidden response is return to the user.


The response to require the user to log in.

accounting.utils.user.get_current_user() Model | None

Returns the currently logged-in user. The result is cached in the current request.


The currently logged-in user.

accounting.utils.user.get_current_user_pk() int

Returns the primary key value of the currently logged-in user.


The primary key value of the currently logged-in user.

accounting.utils.user.get_user_pk(username: str) int

Returns the primary key value of the user by the username.


username – The username.


The primary key value of the user by the username.

accounting.utils.user.has_user(username: str) bool

Returns whether a user by the username exists.


username – The username.


True if the user by the username exists, or False otherwise.

accounting.utils.user.init_user_utils(utils: UserUtilityInterface) None

Initializes the user utilities.


utils – The user utilities.




The user class.

accounting.utils.user.user_pk_column: Column = Column(None, Integer(), table=None)

The primary key column of the user class.

Module contents

The independent utilities.

This module should not import any other module from the application.